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  • Do I need experience camping or working outdoors to work with RMYC?
    No experience is required. RMYC provides any necessary training to get you comfortable with the lifestyle and project work. We just ask you to have a passion for the outdoors and that don’t mind hard work! Many people experience an adjustment period in their first few weeks while getting used to living outdoors and doing manual labor which can be slightly uncomfortable. Still, most people adjust quickly and grow to enjoy crew life immensely. Our crews are made of people with vastly different experience levels, so don’t let previous experience deter you!
  • What training/certifications are offered?
    Certifications are position and crew dependent. We offer Wilderness First Responder and Wilderness First Aid medical certifications for leadership. For members and leaders, First Aid and CPR, chainsaw certification, and crosscut certifications may be available. We also offer a Public Land Corps hiring authority certificate for those who serve at least 640 hours on public lands. This is available for long term members, or those who do multiple seasons with RMYC. This is a huge advantage for those looking at federal jobs! Check out the USFS website for more information: Public Lands Corps Careers
  • What else do people get out of this program?
    RMYC cultivates lifelong friendships within a close-knit community while creating unforgettable experiences. It offers the chance to delve into Colorado's wonders and contribute meaningfully to the community. It instills confidence in navigating the outdoors, nurtures a deep sense of land stewardship, and presents avenues for leadership growth. Individuals develop self-efficacy, experience professional development, and encounter numerous other invaluable aspects. Finishing a season with RMYC equips every participant with a skill set that positions them as top-tier candidates for any outdoor-related job.
  • Do you have summer-only or fall-only positions?
    Yes! We have leadership positions available for Spring-Summer, and long-term from Spring-Fall. Members can choose summer only, fall only, or a long-term position lasting from summer through fall.
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