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A Eulogy for a Hard Hat

Family, friends, and crew members,

We are gathered here today not to mourn, but to celebrate a life that was tragically cut short. On that fateful summer morning it was proven that the world works in cruel ways. It's amazing how life changes in the blink of an eye; one moment you were joyfully fulfilling your will, the next your fragile body was tumbling off that cliff. Your hard-headedness caught up with you, for I warned you not to rest on that precipitous cliff. Nonetheless I am grateful for the time we spent together. Though brief, the trails we crafted together will be an everlasting reminder of our love. Oh how difficult it will be for me to erase that memory of your demise, and we're sorry we left, but it was for the best. We shall never forget you, Tex's poor hard hat.

-Trail Crew Juliet


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