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Crew 4: Adopted - The Libi

Updated: Oct 23, 2018

My situation called for a new start as I hurried to leave my current lands and walk upon a new. Searching for a form of community, a welcoming. Eventually, and in perfect timing, Rocky Mountain Youth Corps found me as I found it. A moment of glance and recognition on both sides; I found myself to be soon adopted. Rocky Mountain Youth Corps was my gateway as its stone slid under my foot, it was the next step. And then other stones followed, this was recognized. It was all a start. A start with no end as I saw no end, only fog. There was always a fog and I found it became less thick as my will was up to the tick. I found myself progressively going up the staircase. And with each step, its own level ... Like a wolf I awaited each "new light." Howled at its welcoming. Embracing what there is to embrace. I found myself to embrace it all.

I embraced it so much that my lips became one with the setting of where it all began. Dinosaur National Monument and its desert acquaintances. That's right, my lips felt it all as they became frozen in dryness. It hurt to laugh or smile and may have even bled from such action. Eating lunch was especially difficult. It was so dry that even a single kiss probably wouldn't have resurrected my lips. Oh boy, was I wrong. A kiss was all they needed and all summer long, I've received the taste of something more. My lips began to heal and strengthen as they became made aware that this whole time, even since the beginning, there were only kisses in which the moisture would be ignored and mistaken for humidity.

In the summer I became more familiar with the source of nature in which I belong. The Natural Man in his capacity feeling nature for what it is. I became more accustomed to my home as I've spent a lot of this life more so in "artificial means." As in my previous journey's outside of RMYC, survival encumbered my mind and there was no time for anything else. I had put myself into the unknown and was sucked by it due to hard transition. RMYC put me on my toes as I became more familiar. It gave me a softer transition and I could make it harder on my own accord.

The Gateway of Fate. There's space created in which leaves room for the cards on the table to be thrown and left in whatever way I deem to be ultimately "perfect." This gateway gives me what shall be given. May you feel the kisses.

And thus, we come here onto the fall. Different season, different returns. This season I've come to embrace more of myself and to prepare for what lies next.

Here, I am known as Libi. The vagabond who has made his way amongst the familiarity of all the people to this day. May you not see me in only one frame but have me in several, for I can be many. But enough about me, what about you? Let's get deeper. Your turn, shall you?...

Well, I look forward to you filling in that blank.

Auf Wiedersenen!


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