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Crew E: Maybe You Enjoy Life More...

This week was our second in the Rio Blanco Flat Tops and our second week back country. We spent Monday clearing corridor which was a good way to ease back into the work week after Moab. The second day we really bonded as a crew as we hiked the 4.5 miles to our back country site. The seven of us sat in a shady patch during lunch and made a plan to all visit Denver together after we de-rig. In the afternoon Maia and I brainstormed trail names for everybody and I came up with some doozies.

The third morning on the hike to our next back country site we learned a game called contact and had some great times with that. We then ended up crushing our goal for the next day and a half in just a matter of hours (it's just what we do).

The next day we finished some "all-hands-on-deck" trees and hiked down to find a delicious box of donuts in our tool chest from our wonderful project sponsor.

The best thing about this hitch was how close it brought us as a crew. To use the words of our beloved Maia Zade Buchman, "maybe you enjoy life more if it sucks a little bit."


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