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CREW GOLF: residential areas are weird

This week our crew worked up in Steamboat Springs in a developing residential area doing tread/trail maintenance. Aside from the intense heat and lack of shade, we were presented with challenges we didn't quite expect. After having worked in the beautiful back country two weeks prior we found ourselves struggling with our current location. Instead of looking out to a tranquil alpine lake with nothing but the sound of our swinging tools and the sounds of nature, we were faced with the view of concrete roads and the rumbling and horn honking of construction trucks. It wasn't our ideal location when we thought of doing conservation work, but on the other hand we found ourselves having a deeper appreciation for trail work. Its easy to find gratitude for the trails built way out in the back country, but we often times forget about the work thats done right in our back yards. By building this trail where we did, a residential area, were creating a space for people who may not be full on outdoor enthusiasts or the most knowledgeable backpackers, or even the most in shape, and allowing them to have a place where they can receive small doses of nature. At the end of the week we felt relieved but rewarded with all that we had accomplished and built.


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