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I didn't really come out here to write.

"Chainsaw crew only has four weeks left in our season. It;s going to be quite a mental shift adjusting from crew life back to college life. We've gotten to see some pretty incredible things such as: black bears in our camp, Arches and Canyonlands national parks, and we've even seen a man jump off a horse and headlock a calf at a rodeo. We showered yesterday in Moab, Utah and it was our first shower in 10 days. We've definitely gotten sued to smelling bad. A lot of us are pretty excited for our next project with the US Forest Service because the project specs say our work will be majority felling snags. A part of me is really excited for the end of the season since I'll be able to go back to school, but I also know there's a part of me that will miss living in a tent in the Rockies, being shuttled around in our dusty van called Vito. I'm thoroughly impressed with the work ethic of the crew. Last week we absolutely killed it working with Denver Water. I'm going to stop writing now, because I want to help clean the decorative paint off of Vito, and frankly, I didn't really come out here to write."

-Writing from a member of the Saw Crew


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