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Interpretation of Common Words- Trail Edition

Dirt- Instant Tan

Tools- Weapons of Path Construction

Water- Survival Juice

Wind- Odor Dispenser

Breeze- Air Conditioning

Gust- Dirt Thrower

Dirt- Ant Generator

Sunburns-"The Aftermath"

The Sun- Evil

Sunscreen- Evil Slayer

Blisters- Death Bubbles

Clouds- Old Unreliable

Wool Socks- Incinerators

Deodorant- De-Funck-afier

Gloves- Hand Armour

Rock- Tool Denter

Trees- Oxygen Machines

Lunch- Feast of Fools

Breaks- Power Outlet

Shoe Laces- Trip Wire

Van- Tom's Music Mobil

Hand Sanitizer- Portable sink

Grilled Cheese- Cheese Toasties


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