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Reflections from the Field

"The intense romance novels that have been passed on from crew member to crew member is very comparable to that of the scenic nature that surrounds us in our days spent during the season. The yearning of the lustfullness that main character typically portrays to a member of the opposite sex is the same type of feeling that is felt by everyone when they take the time to view the sunsetting or sunrising everyday. Each member yearns for these experiences and the scenery that nature provides just adds fuel to the hypothetical fire in our hearts to continue doing conservation. This fire felt is dually noted when reading erotic novels and how the reader can practically feel the physical and emotional connection that is being detailed in every page. So, when one thinks back at trail work and the steamy books that kept the attention of everyone involved just know that the two are not too different and in many aspects they are essentially the same thing."


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