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Writer's picturearoscoe7

No pain no gain

This was our first official work week. We are currently in rocky mountain national park working with there trail crew. On our first day they started us with some easy hiking , instruction and general trail maintenance . However, by the second day our work was much more difficult , the second day consisted of hiking 13 miles, digging 60 drains and removing 300 fallen trees. This day had pushed the majority of us to our physical limits. Our worst fear became heading back up that trail the next day. The next morning we met with the project partner and he greeted us with “I hope you're up for more hiking” our fear had become a reality some of us were ready to cry. We set off back up the same trail hiking another 15 miles while continuing to dig drains and remove trees. It may have seemed like a miracle to some of us but we made it through and we were rewarded with spectacular views of mountain peaks, alpine meadows and waterfalls. Not only did we get to experience these wonderful sites but we became closer as a crew. We struggled together and now found a new sense of security knowing we can tackle any challenge the summer presents to us.


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