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Trail Crew Hotel: show me your potatoes

Updated: Jun 22, 2018

Well, here we are, back in the park where it all began. Where the birds pooped on three of us in a row. Where now we end our first hitch. The other members of the crew are heckling me, telling me to write about dinner last night and try to give an adequate explanation of the exclamation "Dont look at my potatoes!". Well, dont get your hopes up because some things are better left shrouded in mystery. You'll never get to know what it was about those potatoes that made them so holy or who was trying to violate their sanctity with their eyes. Thats not for your ears, but for my memory. My fellow crew members have now given up their attempts to persuade me and we are all sitting in the trailer, filthy, and happy, talking about people who eat carrots in libraries and probably singing the Hamilton soundtrack for the billionth time. Im just too far away to really hear.

This is the product of one week-one week of dust being on everything, poops described in full detail, ticks in belly buttons, fear of wolves, sleeping outside of tents regardless, and pounding t posts into Mt. Zenobia, which, strange as it sounds, is on planet Earth. Thats crazy, at least to me. One week ago I was just a young Boston kid with a handful of nights spent outside and mild appreciation of Jack London heading out west to do some work and see some things. I didnt even know the difference between a double jack and a sledge hammer. Now I have white hair, a full sleeve tattoo and multiple bandannas around my neck, well maybe not all of those things, but the point is a lot has changed. Thats the desert for you, you go in one way and come out another. Jesus did i think. So did we. But Jesus probably didnt build any fences or at least he didnt build any fences in Dinosaur National Monument, unless he made the one we camped by but it wasn't built very well so i think its unlikely. If this didnt make sense the fault is not to be given to me, you will just have to go out into the desert with plenty of nutella, not enough cheese and some tools to make sure you at least appear as though you have something to do then it might make sense...maybe. Anyways the point is that this crew im on is filled with special people and when we go into the beautiful wild we make something of it, like a fence and a bunch of friendships. Now I have to go because we are off to Moab for our first weekend. A six day weekend and this hitch is finally over.


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