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Trail Wars: Revenge of the Sith

The scorching soil and blistering winds of Dillon, Colorado blew over Andrew Skywalker's pick mattock as he stares into the eyes of his former master and ACL, Nate Kenobi. "Let it go, Andrew!" Nate yelled. "Let it go."

Andrew threw the pick down with an otherworldly rage. "You will not take this from me!" he yelled as he pointed to the badly out-sloped turn.

"Your anger and lust for break time have already done that," Nate replied.

They began to circle each other. "Don't lecture me, Nate, I see through the lies of proper trail maintenance," Andrew lectured. "I have brought peace, justice and security to my new drainage ditch!"

"Your new drainage ditch?" Nate questioned.

"Don't make me get Michaela," Andrew threatened.

"Andrew, my allegiance is to RMYC, to biking trails!" Nate yelled frantically.

"If you're not with me, then you're my enemy." Andrew said, revealing a rogue hoe.

"Only a quitter deals in absolutes," Nate replied. "I will do what I must." Nate revealed the crew leader binder and a tool of his own, the Super Trueper.

"You will try," Andrew answered. He leaped towards Nate and their tools clashed in fury. With every swing, they began to chisel away at the bond that had once held them so close.

"I have failed you Andrew. I have failed you," Nate confessed.

"I should have known that RMYC was plotting to take over!" Andrew yelled.

"Andrew, those who make bad trails are evil."

"Well from my point of view RMYC is evil!" Andrew replied.

"Well then you are lost!" Nate countered. The fighting continued.

"This is the end for you my ACL," Andrew declared. But before Andrew could act, Nate jumped onto a jutting rock, turned and yelled "It's over Andrew. I have the high ground!"

Andrew was not phased. "You underestimate my power."

"Don't try it!" Nate pleaded, as he revealed a can of SPF 90 sunscreen primed and ready. But it was too late, Andrew was too far gone to be saved. He leaped to the rock, but before he could get a foothold, Nate unleashed the spray into his eyes. Andrew fell into the hot, sandy soil below, blinded and in pain.

"You were the chosen one!" Nate Kenobi screamed. "It was said that you would make proper bike trails, not destroy it! That you would bring balance to Summit County, not leave it in darkness!" Andrew just laid in the sand, writhing. "You were my crew member, Andrew. I trusted you," Nate said, overwhelmed with loss. He looked back at Andrew for the last time, took his pick, and drove away. And with that, Andrew Skywalker, scourge of the trails, was defeated, and trail Indigo finished their bike trail, Slithering Arrow.

-Zach Cowfer


June 2018


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