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When I was growing up, I hated my surroundings. I would always tell everyone that when I am able I'm going to go as far away as I can from this flat wasteland most commonly referred to as Ohio. Hailing from a place whose main export is crippling depression made it easy for me to find the beauty in basically anything that wasn't related to Ohio. It's crazy to look back and think that it wasnt that long ago that the conservation corps changed my life. This will be my 4th year doing conservation work, and also my 4th different organization to work for. At the end of each season I always tell myself that that would be my last season. For some reason something always ends up dragging me back and for a while I felt like I didn't really know what exactly it was. After this weekend spent with the crew leaders I finally figured out why I always get dragged back to this line of's the people. The connections made during seasons of corps work are unlike any other connections I have found. It's a common love that rattles through these programs that burns so hot and so fast. It makes the days last long but the months fly by, and before you know it it's all over. The love and comradery I feel in the conservation corps is unlike anywhere else I've seen. Before this weekend recreation I was feeling in the dumps. I have alot of stuff going on outside of work that has been affecting my attitude and my prescense. After this weekend however I was reminded why I fell in love with this line of work, and all the people involved. Complete strangers who will make you feel as though you grew up in the same town with them, like you've known each other for 10 years instead of just 10 mins. I can literally feel the spark inside me building again after they arrived. It also made me realize what's most important to me about the corps. What's most important to me isn't necessarily the work, even though that is very important, it's the aftermath of the work. The memories shared with others during the days where all it did was rain, or where there was no shade for anyone to find while moving 400 pound rocks up a mountain. Through this service it is so easy to see why these connections are made so quickly. It's simply strangers working together, moving together, eating together , and bottom line, SURVIVING together. This weekend was like a splash of ice cold water in my face. It's as though I almost forgot why I came back to the corps and this was the reminder i needed. Needless to say I am very excited for my 4th season of conservation work, and 1st season with RMYC to begin so I will have another year of fond memories to cherish. I am grateful.


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